Dry Cleaning Basics

Dry cleaning is a popular choice for many households. Dry cleaners offer quick turnaround times for everything from school uniforms to men’s shirts, coats, and household linens. If you need to drop off clothing in the morning, many dry cleaners will have them cleaned, pressed, and folded by the end of the day. But when it comes to a prized garment with a tag reading, “dry clean only,” do you really need to leave it to the professionals? There are some instances when special fabrics should be taken to the cleaners, but other times you can clean them at home yourself with the proper precautions. 

Avoid Washing Some Fabrics in Water

Some garments should always be professionally-cleaned in order to preserve their quality, look, and lifespan. Washing some of your favorite pieces in a laundry machine can damage the delicate fibers of certain fabrics due to heavy agitation during the washing cycle, as well as destroy embellishments, or even result in water itself ruining the item. These include silk and wool, which can lose their shape when washed in water, and also experience deterioration of their shape and color. Suede and leather also should be left to professional cleaners, and never washed in water. 

clothing material

Washing Delicate Garments at Home

Some garments that were routinely dry cleaned in the past have become more wash-and-wear friendly in recent years. “Dry clean only” labels almost always mean that you should still take these items to the professionals, but if it says “dry clean,” you may be able to get away with home washing if you:

  • Test a small, hidden section on the inside of the garment to make sure the color doesn’t run.
  • Examine any embellishments. If they are sewn on, turn the garment inside out and hand wash or place in a mesh bag (often called a “lingerie bag”) and run on a gentle cycle. If glued on, it should be dry cleaned.
At Central Discount Cleaners, we take care of the tough fabrics and material so you don't have to. We make sure everything is dry cleaned properly so you can feel comfortable wearing it. If you want to bring clothing in or have any questions on what can or can't be dry cleaned just give us a call at 815-725-1229.
