What should you Dry Clean?

Woman wearing dry-clean only clothes Joliet
What exactly does “Dry Clean Only” mean? One of the most common questions we get asked is what clothes need a dry clean? Clothing companies usually state if their clothing needs to be dry cleaned on the label, but is it always necessary? Clothing labels are often suggestions about whether something should be machine washed or dry cleaned. It is more important to know the types of fabrics that require professional cleaning. Failing to properly wash special fabrics will result in the fabric breaking down over time and diminishing its performance. Here is our guide to knowing what requires professional cleaning and what does not. 

Find the label: Most of the time, it is best to listen to what the clothing label says. Clothing manufacturers are required by law to include care instructions on all clothing items sold in the United States. Yet, clothing manufacturers don’t always include all the information on these tags. If washing and dry cleaning are both safe options, the clothing company only has to list one. Most often, they list “dry-clean only” as a professional cleaning comes with the lowest risk. This means that “dry-clean only” is only a recommendation. 

What needs to be dry-cleaned: Any delicate fabrics should be sent to the dry cleaner. This means any leather, silk, velvet, wool, suede, or any other delicate-looking fabrics. If the clothing has a precise or elaborate construction, such as sequins or trimmings, professional cleaning is necessary. Professional clothing, such as suits and blazers, also requires professional care. 

What can be washed at home: If the clothing label says that machine washing is okay, trust it. Common fabrics such as cotton, linen, cashmere, polyester, acrylic, and nylon can be run through the washing machine.  Be careful with cotton as it may shrink and dye other fabrics in the wash with it. Consider hanging your clothes out to dry instead of using the dryer, as the high temperatures of the dryer can damage your clothing. 

If you are in doubt about what to do, send it to the dry cleaner. A professional will always know the proper way to clean your clothing. Properly caring for your clothing will keep it looking its best for years to come. Since 1927, Central Discount Cleaners has been providing Joliet customers with dry cleaning services and more. In addition to apparel dry cleaning and laundry services, we also clean bedding, blankets, drapery, and pillows. To learn more about all the different services Central Discount Cleaners can provide for you, give us a call at 815-726-1229 or visit our website.
